
Available Legal Support For Individuals With Brain Injuries

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The trauma of sustaining a brain injury may be unimaginable but the fallout is fairly clear.

It changes lives and families forever. For instance, previously uncomplicated practicalities take on a totally different meaning and cost.

Similarly, the mix of emotions of all those involved, brought about by such an injury, makes dealing with day-to-day life incredibly difficult.

It is therefore essential to seek legal advice as early as possible in order to put plans in place for the future. Equally, it’s critical to appoint expert, experienced legal representation.

Long Term Support 

It’s important to focus on establishing a suitable support network and initiating investigations into legal liability.

Any immediate needs will be dealt with by the relevant hospital. For example, they will organise the necessary care and treatment as a matter of course.

However, the prognosis of any injury is often put to one side by the medics.

Similarly, it’s often difficult to pinpoint the exact extent of any head injury, particularly when it has given rise to more subtle brain damage.

Consequently, it’s important to appoint legal representation experts in their field.

You’ll need solicitors who will focus on seeking a longer-term support system solution, post discharge from hospital.


Those suffering from brain injuries will often leave hospital with several long-term symptoms.

For instance, emotional issues are commonplace.

Issues to overcome can include feelings of anger, anxiety and depression.

Similarly, cognitive difficulties with speech, understanding and attention can result from a brain injury.

Furthermore, more physical symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, issues with balance, coordination and problems associated with senses such as hearing and vision are just some of the potential after-effects of a head injury.

Legal Support

Solicitors such as Thaliwal and Veja are able to start working towards the support solution you need, immediately.

Seeking to identify the issues caused by a brain injury and establishing the necessary ongoing treatment and support is their aim.

Legal companies will also subsequently clarify and claim for the losses resulting from the injury.

Moreover, the right solicitors will ensure that they take a comprehensive view when putting together a claim. For instance, the potential for adapted or alternative accommodation, specialist equipment and suitable long-term care are all taken into account.


As with any life changing event, planning ahead is essential when dealing with the implications of brain injury.

The legal process starts with the necessary investigation, followed by discussions on suitable interim payments with those responsible. Whilst the claim moves ahead, both rehabilitation and support are ongoing.

Eventually, all expert assessments are pulled together, assessed and finally, a compensation is calculated and a claim made. This at least then allows all involved to move ahead with their lives.

To learn more, get in touch with us today.

In the meantime, please check our court of protection services.