
8 Easy Ways To Practice Self-Care for Your Mental Health

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With work, friends and family commitments usually taking priority, it’s very easy to focus your energy on making sure everyone around you is happy and forgetting about yourself.

However, it’s critical you set aside some time to focus on number one: YOU!

Otherwise you risk compromising your mental health, and may find yourself feeling stressed, anxious, depressed and so on.

That said, it’s important to practice self care every day.

To put it simply, self-care is where you can identify your needs and desires, then take small steps to meet those.

And this can range from something as simple as taking a shower to something a little tasking like working out.

Whilst this may sound simple, if you’re suffering from mental health, doing this seems a lot harder.

The reason being, people suffering with mental health can often experience poor motivation, low energy and fatigue

Other symptoms include withdrawal, isolation, lack of desire to do pleasure things, poor focus, concentration and memory.

And with all these symptoms, a mental health cirsi can prevent you from engaging in positive acts of self care.

Before we jump into how you can practice self care, please keep in mind that it doesn’t mean spending lots of money on yourself or making huge life changes.

Rather, it can be as simple as remembering to get fresh air or eating properly.

So, here are 8 easy ways you can practice self-care for your mental health.

1. Establish a Sleep Routine

When you’re super busy, it’s very easy to let your sleep go.

However, a good night’s sleep is essential for your wellbeing, as well as boosting your physical performance, regulating your appetite, improving your focus and productivity.

That said, make sure you prioritise your sleep, rather than binge-watching a TV show, and if you can go to sleep at the same time every night – even better!

2. Eat Healthily

Eating well is the best form of self-care.

When you’re running around all day, it’s very easy to miss important meals.

And if you go too long without eating, you’re not feeding your body enough nutrients, which means your brain won’t function at its best.

Plus, if you cook your own meals, this is a great way to relax and unwind. 

Simply, nourish your body and mind by learning to cook foods you enjoy, and eating 7 portions of fruit and vegetables has been proven to boost happiness and mental wellbeing. 

3. Take Breaks 

It’s important you set some time out of your day to focus on yourself.

Even if it’s just a quick 15 minute walk alone, getting some fresh air can work wonders for your mood.

On the other hand, it’s also good practice to plan a minibreak as well – even if it’s something as simple as heading to the nearest beach or nature reserve.

Simply, having something to look forward to can help keep your eyes on the horizon and spirits up.

4. Exercise

It’s no surprise that exercise has a positive effect on both physical and mental health.

Studies show that people who exercise daily report 1.5 fewer days off a month.

And if exercise is not your thing, don’t worry!

You don’t need to be a fitness fanatic to benefit; just 20 minutes of walking or riding a bike will release hormones like serotonin and endorphins, which can immediately boost your mood.

5. Indulge in Essential Oils

When you inhale essential oils, this stimulates the olfactory system; the part of the brain connected to smell.

And this influences the limbic system, which is responsible for your behavioural and emotional responses.

In particular, citrus scents have been found to soothe stress and anxiety.

So consider buying a diffuser bottle, or add a few drops to a hot bath for a steaming effect.

6. Meditation

Meditation is very popular for a reason: it can have a huge impact on your wellbeing, both while you’re practicing and in your day-to-day life.

To start off, you don’t need to sit in a trance for hours to start reaping the benefits.

Rather, start off with just 10 minutes a day, which will help to release any stress or tension you may be feeling.

The same can be said for yoga too; learn a few simple salutations and practice them each morning.

7. Learn to Say No

When you prioritise everyone but yourself, you’ll probably find yourself constantly saying yes.

And often you don’t actually have the capacity to help them.

But saying yes all the time can lead to anxiety, stress and eventually burnout.

Unfortunately, you can’t pour from an empty cup.

So, learn to say no. 

And once you practice declining, you’ll not only feel empowered, but you’ll have more time to focus on yourself.

8. Crack a Joke

You may have heard the saying before: laughter is the best medicine.

And it’s not a lie!

A good laugh can help boost your immune system and release the body’s feel-good chemicals, endorphins, as well as relieving tension and stress.

If you don’t want to do this alone, laugh with others which can help you feel more connected to them, and as a result, have a profound effect on your mental health.

Wrapping Up

To wrap up, practising self care is an effective way to combat poor mental health, and it’s a crucial part of recovery and rehabilitation.

After all, managing your mental health is not just about medication or therapy. There are many triggers that vary between people.

So if there are small things you can do every day that will help manage feelings of anxiety, stress or anger, then this will go a long way in helping you feel more control of your life and your mental health.

Get in touch today to find out more.

Take a look at our Court of Protection Solicitors, in the meantime.

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